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Made for app developers and creators, Bento|Craft is a lightweight and delightful marketing asset designer. Effortlessly produce beautiful images to be used on social media, websites, press kits, and more. Whether you're launching a new app, pushing an update, or sharing your service with the world, your Bento|Craft mockups will command attention.


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Late fees and overdraft charges can be more than $30 each, and can kill your credit score - that means a few little mistakes can cost you hundreds! Say goodbye to wasteful charges and calls from creditors, and get control over your financial life!

 Bills to Budget lets you start simply - add your bills, and your pay schedule, and you'll get a reminder whenever you have something due that day. Mark those bills as paid, and they'll reset for next month (or next quarter, or whatever schedule you configured them for!)

 Once your bills are under control, you can take the next step - start creating budgets for your daily spending categories, and tell your money where to go, before you have a chance to spend it elsewhere. As you spend, update your budgets accordingly, and you'll know exactly where your money is going!

Bills to Budget

Late fees and overdraft charges can be more than $30 each, and can kill your credit score - that means a few little mistakes can cost you hundreds!

Introducing Xplored: Your Gateway to a World of Wonder!

 XploreD is a native app for Vision OS devices that revolutionizes how users interact with 3D models. With XploreD, users can bring detailed 3D models of landmark locations into their homes, providing an immersive and educational experience like never before.

 Key Features:

 Interactive Models:

 XploreD offers a vast collection of interactive 3D maps, ranging from historical landmarks to futuristic cityscapes. Users can explore these models in great detail, allowing them to zoom in, pan around, and even rotate them for a comprehensive view.

 Educational Content:

 Each map and diorama is accompanied by informative content, providing users with historical facts, geographical information, and educational insights. This content is curated from reliable sources, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

 Regular Updates:

 XploreD is regularly updated with new maps, dioramas, and educational content, ensuring that users always have fresh and exciting experiences to explore. These updates may include scientific dioramas, historical maps, or significant global landmarks.


Introducing Xplored: Your Gateway to a World of Wonder!