
Price & Chart Widgets screenshotPrice & Chart Widgets screenshotPrice & Chart Widgets screenshotPrice & Chart Widgets screenshot

Cryptocurrency Widgets on Apple Vision Pro. Currently supporting the top 1,000 Cryptocurrencies on CoinMarketCap!

Integrated seamlessly with CoinMarketCap’s API to bring you prices you can trust. Crypto Widgets + provides you with the freedom to keep track of your investments while you do your own thing. It's the perfect app for anybody interested in Finance and Cryptocurrency.
Crypto Widgets + is the perfect productivity & multi-tasking app for Apple Vision Pro, serving as a companion for all your other apps.

Designed from the ground up for Apple Vision Pro, Crypto Widgets + bolsters a sleek and minimalistic design in order to allow you to focus on work or play without distraction.
This is just the beginning, there's a long list of features currently on the roadmap and I will engage with the community to find out what features users want first and are most excited about so I can continue to bring you exciting new features.

You're not limited to 1 widget or even a few, you really can fill your whole room if you so choose.

Accessibility features:
- Voice Search
- Visual Ticker Animation

If you're reading this far, I share your excitement and I'm passionate about making Crypto Widgets + the best app that I can possibly make it.


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