
Plan your gallery on your wall screenshotPlan your gallery on your wall screenshot

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Designed for creatives who use Apple Vision Pro to frame and arrange pictures into a gallery on the wall where the gallery will be hung using images from Photos.

Use frames in rectangular, oval, or octagon shapes in sizes, colors, surfaces, and materials commonly available in shops. Canvas wraps and frameless are also available.

Drag, swap, and arrange the framed pictures to explore new designs.


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It's spatial photo converting and sharing social media app.

 We take:

 - Native Apple format spatial photos

 - Side by side(LR and RL) stereo photo

 - Any monocular(flat) image. We'll convert it using our best in class AI deployed in the backend.

 We display:

 - Spatial photos for you.

 You decide share them to the world or keep them to yourself.


It's spatial photo converting and sharing social media app.