
My Art Gallery screenshotMy Art Gallery screenshot

This app gives you quick access to many great paintings and lets you view them in AR in full size. You can select your favourites to make your own curated collection of art.


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Your Gateway to Entertainment: PixelStream Player

 Unlock a world of streaming and local playback with PixelStream Player – the ultimate solution for enjoying your favorite streams, TV shows, series, and locally stored videos whenever you wish. Offering robust support for popular video formats including WMV, MOV, MP4, and MKV, PixelStream Player connects you to the content you love, from both your preferred IPTV providers and your device's storage.

 Why PixelStream Player is a Must-Have:

 * Extensive Format Compatibility: Enjoy seamless playback of a wide variety of video formats. Whether it's crystal-clear HD movies, live sports, your binge-worthy series, or cherished videos from your device, PixelStream Player is your go-to multimedia portal.

 * Master Your Media Collection: Tailor your entertainment library with comprehensive playlist management. Organize streaming content and local videos precisely to your taste for a smooth and personalized viewing journey.

 * Customized Streaming and Local Playback: PixelStream Player adapts to your preferences. Add streaming channels individually, and dive into your local video collection with equal ease. Your favorites list ensures quick access to the streams and videos you love most.

 * Multitasking Made Simple: Why choose between watching different content? With PixelStream Player, view diverse content in multiple windows at the same time. Perfect for monitoring several live events or enjoying a variety of series and local videos concurrently.

 * Favorites Within Reach: Instantly access your preferred streams and local videos. Your top picks are always just a tap away, enabling you to effortlessly resume watching what you love the most.

 PixelStream Player redefines the IPTV and video player experience, providing an all-encompassing passport to both streamed and locally stored entertainment. Ready to elevate your viewing experience? Download PixelStream today and take the first step towards endless multimedia enjoyment!

PixelStream Player

Your Gateway to Entertainment: PixelStream Player Unlock a world of streaming and local playback with PixelStream Player – the ultimate solution for enjoying your favorite streams, TV shows, series, and locally stored videos whenever you wish.

Windora adds a virtual window wherever you are. Work or relax while looking out over panoramas from your library.

 Upgrade to get more features: Multiple windows, larger windows, weather, spatial sounds, window types, timed image rotation


Windora adds a virtual window wherever you are.