Explore the wonderful world of knots! Knot Explorer is a fun and engaging app for visualising and manipulating topological knots.
Topological knots are closed loops in space that are entangled in such a way that they cannot be untied without cutting. The simples example is a trefoil knot. But there are many more examples of increasing complexity that can be arranged into a sort of 'periodic table' of knots. Knots have long fascinated mathematicians and have many applications in physics, biology and chemistry.
Knot Explorer includes all knots up to 8 crossings, with hand-crafted 3D models. These knots can be viewed in 3d, rotated in space, and they can be manipulated and deformed.
Knot Explorer can also make all torus knots. A torus knot is a knot that can be drawn on the surface of a torus.
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