
Boost your mood everyday screenshotBoost your mood everyday screenshotBoost your mood everyday screenshot

Mango 5Star is the ultimate morale booster for Apple developers and podcasters. The idea is simple, it exclusively displays the 5-star reviews of your users so you can stay positive. In visionOS, you can put mini windows anywhere and be constantly reminded by your users' positive feedback whenever you look at them.


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Moon Home is an app for you to create, preview and explore diverse spatial environments with your Apple Vision Pro.

 Set up a Portal in your real-life room, and seamlessly step into any virtual worlds you create with AI.

 Unlock your magical experience with:

 - Spatial Portal: Set a Portal and enter any spatial world from your room.

 - AI Skybox: Transform text into a unique skybox and bring your imagined worlds to life.

 - 3D environments: Step into 3D spatial environments created by artists.

 - 3D Model: Customize your unique world with a variety of 3D models.

 - Environments gallery: Share and discover inspiring works from the community.

 So what is your dream place? Create and step into it with Moon!

Spatial Portal by Moon Home

Moon Home is an app for you to create, preview and explore diverse spatial environments with your Apple Vision Pro.

Get ready for the future of spatial computing with SixD 3.0.

 Highlight for the visionOS version: 

 • Learn and create with building blocks of the spatial computing age in SwiftUI Lab.

 • Apply pre-built component features with one click. For example, add a loop spin rotation for your 3D model.

 • All-new design that feels right at home with visionOS.

 SixD (SwiftUI & Interaction Design). Designed and developed by Haolun Yang. Awarded by Apple WWDC23 Swift Student Challenge.

 SixD creates a bridge between designers and developers. It empowers people to design and prototype with SwiftUI and develop apps with great design.

 In SixD, you can:

 • Learn UI design foundations with an interactive guide.

 • Explore different SwiftUI components, customize them, and copy the SwiftUI code in SwiftUI Lab - what you see is what you get.

 • Browse all SF Symbols and search them with natural descriptions ('share' instead of 'square.and.arrow.up')


Get ready for the future of spatial computing with SixD 3.0.

- Embark on an adorable and playful puzzle adventure, where your cleverness and careful planning come to life as you tap away at wolves and bears.

- Protect the delightful cats, ensuring they stay happily on the platform, adding a layer of sweet challenge to your quest.

 - Watch the puzzles grow more complex with each level, requiring your thoughtful strategies and precise moves to keep the cats safe and sound.


- Embark on an adorable and playful puzzle adventure, where your cleverness and careful planning come to life as you tap away at wolves and bears.