Petty helps Australian drivers find petrol nearby, and stay up to date with real-time prices and price trends. It's useful for when you're in an unknown location, or when you just want to check the price of petrol at the station up the road.
Petty stands out by using the most accurate data, collected by the state governments, and updated in real time as stations around the country change their prices at the pump.
Use Petty to find nearby petrol, view prices at a station, keep up with average prices and price trends for the last 90-days, and compare prices between stations. You can also see how much you'll save by filling up at one station compared to another.
The ACCC estimates drivers who time their purchases of petrol and choose to buy from the lowest priced retailer can save $10 to $15 per 60-litre tank. (, 2017) Petty can help with this, by always keeping you in the loop with up-to-date prices.
* Averages and trends available for E10, U91, P95, P98, Diesel, Premium Diesel, and LPG. Full 90-day price history may not be available for all fuel types. Not all petrol types available in all areas.
Please note prices, trends, and history are currently only available for petrol stations in the states of NSW, QLD, SA, WA, TAS, and the ACT. Data for other states will be added if and when it is available.
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