
Legend's Painting Journey screenshotLegend's Painting Journey screenshotLegend's Painting Journey screenshotLegend's Painting Journey screenshotLegend's Painting Journey screenshot

The dance segments displayed in the APP extract the green and blue coloring from the 'A Panorama of Mountains and Rivers' and abstract it into a female character image.

The creative inspiration for Poetic Dance 'The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting' comes from the 'A Panorama of Mountains and Rivers' painting.

'A Panorama of Mountains and Rivers' is one of the top ten most famous ancient Chinese paintings passed down through generations. It was painted by the Northern Song Dynasty artist Wang Ximeng in half a year when he was only 18 years old. Unlike the black and white tones of ink wash paintings, this painting is named for the use of mineral pigments of azurite and malachite green, depicting the splendid and magnificent scenery of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains with its gorgeous green and blue hues.

The entire ballet poem is structured around chapters such as 'Scroll Unfolding, Seal Tracing, Silk Reeling, Minerals Exploring, Brush Making, Ink Grinding, Painting Alive' narrating the story of a young researcher from the Palace Museum who 'time travels' back to the Northern Song Dynasty, and from the perspective of an 'The Scroll Opener','witnesses' the story of the painter Wang Ximeng creating the 'A Panorama of Mountains and Rivers'.

The dance segments displayed in the APP extract the green and blue coloring from the 'A Panorama of Mountains and Rivers' and abstract it into a female character image. This group dance expresses the concept of layered mountain ranges. The dancers, with their resplendent bodies, outline the boundless rivers and mountains that are as poetic and illusory as a dream, narrating the legendary tales of classical Chinese style.


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Zen: Focus Garden - Cultivate Your Focus Welcome to Zen: Focus Garden, a creative productivity app designed from the ground up for the Apple Vision Pro.