
Private Social Network screenshotPrivate Social Network screenshotPrivate Social Network screenshotPrivate Social Network screenshot

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SoftEXIT Groups is for you and your friends to create your own private social network. No Advertising and No tracking.

Available on iOS, Mac Silicon, and Apple Vision Pro. Android available 2nd quarter 2024.


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Introducing Audio Vision app, the cutting-edge audio analysis app that takes your audio engineering to the next level. Whether you're an audiophile, musician, or podcaster, this app is your gateway to a new dimension of audio understanding.

 Key Features:

 Real-time Spectrum Analysis: Witness the intricate details of sound with our advanced real-time spectrum analysis. Visualize the frequency distribution of audio in a stunning graphical representation, allowing you to identify nuances that may go unnoticed by the naked ear.

 Waveform Visualization: Dive deep into the structure of audio waves with our intuitive waveform visualization. Analyze the amplitude, frequency, and duration of sound events, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the composition of any audio source.

 Educational Insights: Whether you're a student, educator, or a curious learner, Audio Vision offers educational insights into the world of acoustics and sound engineering. 

 User-Friendly Interface: With a sleek and user-friendly interface, Audio Vision ensures that both beginners and seasoned audio enthusiasts can navigate the app effortlessly. Access powerful features with just a few pinches.

Audio Vision

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Gaussian Splats are a hot new research topic in 3D graphics, a way to capture real-world scenes in all their richness. What better new way to preview and evaluate the scenes you've captured than spatially, in full immersive stereo 3D? This simple app provides a way to understand what it's like to be inside your Gaussian Splat model, and to see both its details and flaws right there in front of you.

 After you've captured and trained models using whatever tools you prefer, just save them in standard PLY format, copy them to your Vision Pro, and open them in MetalSplatter. Next, 'calibrate' the model by setting the up axis. Now just switch to Orbit mode and pinch to move and rotate your model, inspecting it from all sides as if it's right there in front of you!


Gaussian Splats are a hot new research topic in 3D graphics, a way to capture real-world scenes in all their richness.