
Sleek Time Display screenshotSleek Time Display screenshotSleek Time Display screenshot

Discover the elegance of simplicity with FlipTime VisionPro. Try our stylish flip clock animations and customize your time display today!

Introducing FlipTime VisionPro – the ultimate flip clock app designed for those who love elegance and simplicity. This app offers you a beautiful way to display time with minimalist flip animations that blend seamlessly into any setting. Whether at home, office, or on the go, keep time stylishly with VisionPro.


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Cell Wall is an interactive simulation of cells on a grid based on Conway's Game of Life. The state of each cell evolves based on the state of its neighboring cells. With simple rules, complex behavior emerges.

 Sit back and relax while the grid evolves on its own, or touch the grid directly to activate new cells and influence it's evolution. Choose from a number of patterns to activate, including 'spaceships' that move across the wall and 'oscillators' that oscillate between different patterns.

 Interact collaboratively with friends using SharePlay.

Cell Wall

Cell Wall is an interactive simulation of cells on a grid based on Conway's Game of Life.

Embark on a groundbreaking journey with Pioneer for Reddit, the inaugural Reddit app designed exclusively for Apple Vision Pro.


 - Customizable Home Subreddit: Start your exploration in a universe tailored to your preferences. Choose a Home subreddit that aligns with your interests for a personalized gateway into Reddit's vast content landscape.

 - Favorites Feed: Seamlessly create your own constellation of preferred subreddits. This feature allows you to craft a unique feed that mirrors the dynamics of a personalized home feed, offering a curated exploration experience.

 - Seamless Navigation: With Pioneer, navigating the Reddit universe becomes a journey of discovery. Transition smoothly between your Home, Popular, All, and Favorites feeds, immersing yourself in the depth and diversity of content at your fingertips.

 - Instant Access to Popular and All: Delve into the heart of Reddit's community with instant access to /r/popular and /r/all, showcasing a wide array of discussions and discoveries that pulse through the platform.

 - Immersive Media Viewing: Dive deeper with a dedicated panel for videos, images, and galleries. Your visual and interactive content comes to life, making your browsing experience even more immersive.

 - Multi-Window Browsing: Get even more content at your fingertips. With multi-window browsing, you can juggle multiple threads and discussions simultaneously, enriching your Reddit journey.

 - Tailored for Apple Vision Pro: Experience Reddit like never before on the Apple Vision Pro. Pioneer leverages this advanced platform to deliver a visually stunning, intuitive browsing experience that's as expansive as it is engaging.

 Current Limitations

 - Logging in, commenting, and changing account-specific settings is not supported yet (coming via an Ultra subscription in the future)

Pioneer for Reddit

Embark on a groundbreaking journey with Pioneer for Reddit, the inaugural Reddit app designed exclusively for Apple Vision Pro.

Welcome to Closed Captions (CC), your spatial tool for seamless transcription and translation of your surroundings.

 CC was built to create a world where every language becomes your own.

 CC empowers you to effortlessly convert spoken words into accurate text in real-time, facilitating accessibility, communication, and convenience like never before.

 With CC, simply stream audio through your device's microphone, and watch as the spoken words magically transform into clear, readable text on your screen. Whether you're attending lectures, participating in meetings, or engaging in conversations, CC ensures that every word is captured with precision, eliminating the need for manual note-taking and enhancing your overall productivity.

 But CC doesn't stop at transcription. We understand the importance of language diversity and inclusivity, which is why CC offers seamless translation capabilities. Effortlessly switch between languages and watch as CC translates the transcribed text into your preferred language in an instant, breaking down language barriers and fostering communication across borders.

 We value your privacy above all else. Unlike other transcription apps, CC does not collect or store any transcriptions or translations. Your data remains secure and private, giving you peace of mind as you utilize CC for your personal and professional needs.

 In addition to its powerful transcription and translation features, CC boasts a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate. Whether you're a seasoned user or new to transcription tools, CC's simple yet sophisticated design ensures a seamless experience for all.

 Hope you enjoy our take on the future of audio transcription and translation on Apple Vision.

CC: Translate or Transcribe

Welcome to Closed Captions (CC), your spatial tool for seamless transcription and translation of your surroundings.