
The Spatial Clock screenshotThe Spatial Clock screenshot

Elevate your landscape with Timely - The Spatial Clock. Simply select the clock that fits your theme and place it into your environment.


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PastePal is the #1 clipboard manager for Apple Vision Pro,Mac, iPhone and iPad. Multiple side window position, hot edge, queue stack, quick mode and advanced filter.

 PastePal is a native application written in pure Swift that allows complete control over your clipboard history.

 The app is universal and available across Apple Vision Pro, Mac, iPhone and iPad devices. You can manually enable iCloud Sync in Settings and all data will be securely synced across devices. 

 Many features 

 - Side window for quick access to recent history. You can position it either top, left, bottom, right of the screen 

 - Main window for complete overview. There you can filter by app, content type and organize into collections 

 - Pagination. For large amount of data, pagination is enabled where you can navigate among multiple pages of history 

 - Setup allow and ignored list of apps, folders, content words 

 - Trim down pale history automatically. You can define time frame for how long you want to keep history


PastePal is the #1 clipboard manager for Apple Vision Pro,Mac, iPhone and iPad.

CardPointers will save you money and earn you more cash back, points, and miles every day by maximizing credit card spend bonuses, offers, and welcome bonuses. Most users save $750+ per year!

 The app automatically tracks every category bonus and recurring bank credits from over 5,000 credit cards and helps you use your Amex, Chase, Bank of America, and Citibank offers to save even more money every day.

 Spatial shopping is now possible thanks to AutoPilot for visionOS.

 Activate the Safari extension, turn on AutoPilot, then place the AutoPilot window alongside Safari, and everywhere you shop online you can see if you have an offer at that merchant, as well as your best card to use to maximize your points at checkout. It's never been easier to save money on everything you buy online.

 With the Safari Web Extension, you can now also search, filter, and add every Amex, Chase, BoA, and Citi offers just by logging in -- safely and securely as your bank logins are never used at all.


CardPointers will save you money and earn you more cash back, points, and miles every day by maximizing credit card spend bonuses, offers, and welcome bonuses.

MoneyCoach is a personal finance and budgeting app that helps you manage your money, track your expenses, and achieve your financial goals.


MoneyCoach is a personal finance and budgeting app that helps you manage your money, track your expenses, and achieve your financial goals.